🐶 Disease Detectives
Dogs’ super-sensitive noses can detect certain diseases, including some cancers and diabetes – even COVID-19! Their sense of smell is truly extraordinary.
🐾 Sweaty Paws
Ever notice your dog’s paws feeling a bit damp? That’s because dogs only sweat through their paw pads. They cool off primarily by panting.
🧭 Magnetic Aligners
When relieving themselves, dogs often align with the Earth’s magnetic field – preferring a north-south position. It’s nature’s compass in action!
❤️ Mood Readers
Dogs are experts in empathy. They can read our emotions by observing our facial expressions and tone of voice. They know when you need comfort!
👀 Born Blind and Deaf
Puppies come into the world unable to see or hear. For the first few weeks, they rely entirely on their mother.
💤 Doggy Dreams
Yes, dogs dream! During REM sleep, they may be chasing squirrels, playing fetch, or revisiting their favorite moments.
👃 Unique Nose Prints
Just like human fingerprints, each dog’s nose print is one of a kind! It could even be used to identify them.